Interlibrary Loan

Make an Interlibrary Loan Request
If an item you are seeking is not available at any library in the Metro Network (Cedar Rapids, Hiawatha or Marion), we can often get it from another library through Interlibrary Loan.

The Metro Library Network libraries charge $3.00 for each interlibrary loan received from another Iowa library and $5.00 for each interlibrary loan received from an out of state library.

Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan
1. You must have a valid Metro Library Network card to request interlibrary loans.
2. Please check the Library Catalog to be sure that the material is not owned by any Metro Library Network library.
3. Due dates for interlibrary loan materials are set by the lending library. Interlibrary loan materials are borrowed from other libraries. Please return them on time!

Request an Interlibrary Loan
Cedar Rapids Public Library
Marion Public Library
Hiawatha Public Library