Tallgrass explores the underlying prejudice that led to the internment of those of Japanese descent during World War II. When a young girl is murdered in Ellis, Colorado, in the early 1940s, most of the town quickly assumes the killer escaped from the nearby internment camp. Guided by her parents, 13-year-old Rennie Stroud, stands in opposition to the prevailing winds. Dallas will read from the book on Sunday, March 1 at 2 p.m. at Theatre Cedar Rapids’ Lindale facility.
The book was chosen in part due to its similarities to Harper Lee’s classic To Kill a Mockingbird. Classics at Brucemore, which will be presenting a theatrical version of Lee’s book July 9-11 and 16-18, is collaborating with Linn Area Reads to present programs that tie the two novels together. Both books address widespread prejudice and feature a young female narrator whose sense of justice is shaped by a noble father.
Dallas is the author of several novels, including the forthcoming Prayers for Sale, which will be released in April.
For more information about Sandra Dallas, visit her website.